A couple years ago, I discovered a tremendous story that I want to tell. What I didn’t know is that my decision to tell this particular story would become one of the most important decisions of my career.

The story is based on the life of a friend of mine and her hubby who owned a restaurant. I had the opportunity to work alongside them for a short time and my experiences inspired me to tell a story about their world.

As I have been developing this story into a web series and sharing it with a test audience, I have been surprised time and time again about how it keeps teaching me.  It tells me how stories told visually and dramatically can make such a great impact.

Here are three considerations as you build your own story:

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  1. Actions and images speak louder than words. Although words are important, images connect more with my audience. My audience was motivated best by the sight and experience they had with my story. They remembered how what they saw and experienced made them feel. This is true of any audience. The most powerful reason to use a film or stage performance to tell a story is that it is the most effective way to emotionally move people to shift or to take action.
  2. The story can help clarify the message. There are often so many details to share or include in our stories that it can be overwhelming. This was the case for me with this story as well. But by listening to my friends who owned the restaurant tell me about their business, I was able to find the key theme of the story.  In other words, I was able to determine what this story was about.  As they talked, I wrote down all of our experiences including mine, and organized the details into a script that had a theme and focus.  This process of writing a script that works is a clarifying one that requires time, focus and skill.
  3. Collaboration yields the best results. Although I am naturally a collaborator and prefer to work this way, this web series showed me again that it is critical always to have others involved in my projects. My initial script and production plan was okay but by having others work on it with me, we leveraged the piece to be even better. My colleagues and mentors saw things that I could not see because I was too close to the story. I’m so grateful that I have a large network of creatives that I can partner with to create great results for any story that I have to tell.

Is there a story that you have been wondering about telling? What difference would it make in your world or life if you contacted us today to tell it?