Thank you for your role: you’ve made a difference

20 years ago, in April, Reinholdt Productions went from a dream to reality. I am in complete awe that we are celebrating such an incredible milestone. Over the last several weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect on this moment. There are an incredible number of people who have made a difference as we built our company from scratch.

So today, I’d like to spend a few moments sharing gratitude for some of the people and organizations who have made such an impact on our last 20 years.

It takes a village

First, I honestly cannot express enough gratitude for my hubby, John, my business partner. He is one of the greatest listeners I know. He taught me the value of serving with someone who has different strengths than I do. As our Executive Producer, he has been so key at ensuring we are financially well. And he sees opportunities in such a different light from me so, we have been able to make wise decisions together. There have been times when we have fallen. But because of the trust, faith and love between us, we have been able to get right back up and continue!

Our support

Then there’s our mentors and coaches. First, those who helped us learn about art, leadership and production even before our company existed – our parents, teachers, and college guides including those at Rosebud Theatre. There were those who walked with us as we launched and grew our business – Mark Lewandowski, Roger Hamm, Trae Ashlie-Garen, Chris Dollinger. And we cannot forget our mentors in film, most especially Matt Watterworth and Neil Schell. These individuals helped us understand our craft more intimately and pushed us to be better and persist.

And where would we be without our team members and specialists: Website developers, Michell and Dan, referral partners, communications strategist, Melanie Nicholson, Producers, Performers, cast and crew members (too many to name). These individuals helped us remain strong, write, direct, manage plays and create films. They also helped us tell the world about them. Teaser alert! We are going to be celebrating 20 years of our projects with a social campaign starting March 30! Follow along and let us know which were your favourite projects.
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The opportunity to be a storyteller

We are also grateful for the opportunities we had to serve businesses and individuals in the community, including non-profit staffs, boards and committees. A local library provided us with an opportunity to raise funds through theatre. We told stories in community halls and theatres across western Canada and the USA. A local non-profit Hope Bridges Society hired us to coordinate their arts and music events. And we met with many individuals to talk about telling their own story or their business story. Some of them became film clients, while some took our quotes and created plans for the future. Others chose to be mentored by us or write a book with us.

Then there are our followers. Whether you are a newsletter subscriber, a follower of our blog or on social media, we want to thank you for your interest, encouragement, and being part in our journey. It means a lot to have you along, sharing what we do.

Most importantly, we do not want to forget to give thanks to our Heavenly Father for His supreme faithfulness, love, strength and guidance. For without Him, we would not have been able to even start let alone persist. We are so grateful He has provided resources and lead us to each person we have met along the way, including you.

John and I did not do this alone. It has definitely taken a commitment on our behalf to keep going and to be open to learning and growing. But we could not have done it without the wisdom of our awesome Father God and the incredible talent we have met along the way! This is our 20-year difference!  THANK YOU!